CPD Reinstatement Procedures

CPD Reinstatement Procedures

If your CPD credential lapsed and you wish to return to the program, you’re required to go through a reinstatement process.

Lapsed CPDs have 18 months from the date their credential expired to go through reinstatement for the missed cycle to avoid sitting for the examination again. If your reinstatement packet has been accepted and you’re placed back into the CPD program, you’ll be required to comply with the recertification requirements in addition to earning the missed CEUs from your reinstatement requirements. You can review the sample timeline at the end of this document. Failure to go through reinstatement within 18 months of your credential expiring will require you to sit for the examination to earn the right to use the credential again.

Follow the steps below to comply with the reinstatement procedures.


Joe Engineer’s CPD began May 1, 2020 and expired April 30, 2022, but he didn’t earn 2.4 CEUs during this time. Joe has until October 31, 2023 to submit his CPD reinstatement packet and submit payment. Joe submits 2.4 CEUs (24 hours) that are compliant with the recertification policies in July of 2022, and they are accepted. Joe must now earn an additional 2.4 CEUs that are compliant with the recertification policies before April 30, 2024, when his next cycle ends.

If you have any questions about the CPD program, or any related issues please email [email protected].

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