Water Control Corporation (WCC) Breaks Ground on a Visionary New Building

On Thursday, September 7, Water Control Corporation (WCC) marked a significant milestone, breaking ground on an expansive new building. Symbolizing a future of innovation and advancement in water control solutions, this step comes as a realization of the vision set forth at the company’s initial establishment in 1980 by Chuck Soderholm. The new facility, boasting an additional 46,000 square feet, will nearly quadruple WCC’s operational footprint, featuring at least eight extra build bays for commercial skid systems and dedicated residential softener production and warehousing areas.

The design of the new establishment underscores WCC’s commitment to continuous learning and adaptation, with a centerpiece state-of-the-art training facility fitted with live fire wet lab areas for WCC. This addition is crucial, resolving existing space-sharing constraints and eliminating the need to interrupt production during training summits in a swiftly evolving industry. Furthermore, a sweeping revitalization of the existing office facilities is underway, introducing more workspaces, new restrooms, a comprehensive fire suppression system, and a modern aesthetic, creating a vibrant workspace for employees.

As participants raised their glasses in a toast, the groundbreaking event resonated with a collective sense of pride and anticipation. This day signified more than just the construction of a building; it marked the crafting of WCC’s future, emphasizing the company’s unwavering commitment to growth, innovation, and customer satisfaction in the years ahead.

Source: Water Control Corporation

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