Simplify Water Heater Installations with Pro-Pal One-Box Solution

Pro-Pal Water Heater Supply ValvesNIBCO Inc. announces enhancements to the Webstone® line of water heater solutions, a series of Pro-Pal valves designed to simplify the installation of storage tank water heaters.

Developments include new features for the patent-pending Pro-Pal Water Heater Supply Valves to offer brass union or dielectric union water heater connections, ½-inch sizes, and an integration of a ½-inch cold-water tapping port. Additionally, the line of Pro-Pal Water Heater Service Valve Kits has expanded to include new connection options and tempering valve kits, which take advantage of the newly integrated access point.

“These enhancements are in direct response to our customers’ feedback,” said Lisa Lyon, Webstone Senior Product Manager. “Our customers appreciate the all-in-one solution for installing a traditional tank water heater, and they wanted a solution to fit a broader range of applications. With the introduction of this new design, additional size, and connection options, that’s now possible. We’re proud of our commitment to continuously enhance the Webstone product line to meet the needs of our customers.”

Source: NIBCO Inc.

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