Revolutionizing Iron Filtration: A Shift to Water and Air Solutions

Iron contamination in domestic water supplies is a pervasive issue, notorious for imparting a metallic taste, generating unpleasant odors, and leaving unsightly red stains. This challenge is particularly pronounced for private well owners, as unlike municipal supplies, they are solely responsible for the treatment and maintenance of their water systems.

Traditionally, the battle against iron has been fought with oxidation/filtration processes utilizing various media and methods. Older technologies primarily depended on media that absorb iron from the water, subsequently requiring chemical agents such as potassium permanganate for regeneration. This not only adds complexity but also introduces additional chemicals into the water treatment process.

In an innovative departure from these chemical-dependent systems, newer technologies have embraced a simpler, more natural approach. Water Control Corporation is at the forefront with its Megabite residential and IF Series commercial iron filters. These advanced systems harness the power of water and air to oxidize and filter iron effectively. The process begins by introducing iron-laden water into a mineral tank, where it encounters an air bubble that kickstarts oxidation. The water then flows through an oxygen-rich media bed, completing the oxidation process and trapping rust particles within the media.

Regeneration of these systems is both efficient and environmentally friendly. It involves backwashing the media to expel trapped rust particles, draining the tank for an “air bath” that rejuvenates the media bed and then refilling the tank while re-establishing the air pocket. This ensures continuous operation, with single-tank systems regenerating overnight and multi-tank setups designed to stay online 24/7, providing uninterrupted water treatment. While ion exchange systems (water softeners) also offer a solution for iron removal, they typically require more frequent regeneration to avoid media damage, presenting a less efficient alternative.

Watch our new video to learn more about this cutting-edge approach:

Water Control Corporation’s cutting-edge approach not only offers an efficient solution to iron contamination but also aligns with eco-friendly practices by eliminating the need for chemical regenerants. For those seeking advanced solutions for residential or commercial iron filtration, Water Control Corporation presents a compelling option. Get in touch to explore how these innovative systems can address your water treatment needs.

Source: Water Control Corporation

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