ASPE Committees A to Z: Affiliate Advisory Committee (AAC)

by Jason S.A. McDonald, CPD, FASPE, ASSE 6060, ASPE Vice President, Membership

Welcome to the first in a long ASPE Pipeline series on ASPE’s Committees. ASPE is always looking for members to join its committees and to participate in the different programs, processes, and governance of ASPE. If ASPE wants you to participate, you need to know WHY you should participate, right? So, as the headline says “A to Z,” we will explain the committees alphabetically(ish).

The first Committee we will look at is the Affiliate Advisory Committee, or AAC.

The AAC is heavily involved with the ASPE Expo, which is held in even-numbered years along with the ASPE Convention.

The AAC:

  • Coordinates exhibitor activities with the Convention Chair(s) and Executive Director/CEO
  • Develops and maintains Standards of Professional Conduct for Exhibitors
  • Recommends policies and procedures for the ASPE Expo and exhibitors for approval by the Society Board of Directors
  • Develops and maintains policies and procedures for the ASPE Expo
  • Recommends promotional selling and marketing points regarding the quality of the ASPE attendee: specifying engineers/designers
  • Establishes procedures for continuing communication with exhibitors and helps coordinate with ASPE Staff and tradeshow management
  • Recommends appropriate Expo opening ceremonies and other Expo floor activities (e.g., lunches, refreshment breaks, prize drawings, patron program, etc.)
  • Ensures that all exhibitor functions are coordinated with other Convention activities
  • Oversees and manages exhibitor pre- and post-Expo review-and-comment sessions
  • Provides input and advice on the Tech Symposium Product Show
  • The AAC also has additional responsibilities assisting the Society in the Affiliate Partner program, ASPE Pipeline advertising, and any other Affiliate-related activities.

How does the Committee benefit or advance ASPE?

The AAC ensures that its Affiliate Partners have a path to engage in the planning and execution of the ASPE events they help fund, giving every supporting Affiliate a reason to stay involved with and continue supporting ASPE.

If your company is an Exhibitor at the ASPE Expo and you want to participate in the AAC, please reach out to Tom Sharp at [email protected] or Brian Henry at [email protected].

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